Creative coaching for all

Are you a business owner juggling the demands of your business with little profit to show for all your efforts? Are you an agency owner, unsure how to grow or afraid to take it to the next level? Are you a creative freelancer thinking about building your own business but need help developing ideas and strategies to do so? I know how you feel. I’ve been where you are. I can help.


My Approach to coaching

All my coaching sessions are tailored to your needs. There’s no set program or hidden agenda. Instead, I examine your situation, listening carefully to your aspirations for the future and customise an approach best suited to your needs. All sessions can be held virtually and recorded for your reference.

If this sounds like something you could benefit from, why not get in touch or read more about my tailored coaching sessions below.

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Why me?

Over the past 25 years I’ve worked for some of the world’s most recognised brand and design consultancies in the US, Europe and the Middle East. During this time, I’ve witnessed first-hand many reoccurring themes and patterns that can threaten or disrupt progress for businesses. My mission is to share what I’ve learnt in order to help other creative entrepreneurs grow and develop strategies and solutions to their own business challenges.


1:1 Intensive Session

Do you need help navigating a specific challenge you’re facing and just can’t seem to solve? Book a 60 minute 1:1 intensive coaching session and get help and advice to see you through your current challenges and beyond.

60-minute session


1:1 Deep Dive

Let’s take a couple hours to really delve into the business challenges you’re facing. These 120 minute 1:1 Deep Dive Sessions give us more time to strategise your business plan, crunch some numbers or even scope a project together.

120-minute session


Coaching Package

Coaching packages will have the biggest impact on your business. We’ll take time to analyse the challenges you’re facing together and find actionable strategies to implement. Sessions are conducted on a bi-weekly basis.

4 x 60-minute sessions


Coaching Inquiry

In my experience coaching sessions work best when built on mutual trust and full disclosure. For this reason, I’ll happily sign an NDA to protect any confidential information you share.

Not sure if we’ll work well together? Please complete the questionnaire below and I’ll reply to let you know my initial thoughts before proceeding further.


D.R.E.A.M Audits